

Welcome to the TechCamp Wiki!

This wiki is designed to be a working document for those involved in past and upcoming TechCamps. Find an agenda, look at previous problem sets, find contacts. Looking for something specific? Search the Wiki Catalog


1 Upcoming Events
2 Past TechCamp events
2.1 TechCamp Argentina, May 4-5, 2015
2.2 TechCamp Bolivia, March 13-14, 2015
2.3 TechCamp El Salvador, February 11-12, 2015
2.4 TechCamp Indonesia, January 21-23, 2015
2.5 TechCamp Cali, October 14-15, 2014
2.6 TechCamp Kyrgyzstan, October 1-2, 2014
2.7 TechCamp El Salvador, July 30-31, 2014
2.8 TechCamp Botswana, June 11-12, 2014
2.9 TechCamp Mozambique, June 5-6, 2014
2.10 TechCamp Philippines, May 5-6, 2014
2.11 TechCamp Mali, April 23-24, 2014
2.12 TechCamp Sao Paulo (Brazil), April 15-16, 2014
2.13 TechCamp Tirana (Albania), December 5-6, 2013
2.14 TechCamp Mexico (Mexico City), December 4-5, 2013
2.15 TechCamp London (UK), November 1-2, 2013
2.16 TechCamp Warsaw (Poland), October 8-9, 2013
2.17 TechCamp Phnom Penh (Cambodia), September 25-26, 2013
2.18 TechCamp (Nairobi) Kenya, September 9-10, 2013
2.19 TechCamp Ramallah 2, August 28-29, 2013
2.20 TechCamp NYC (USA) July 25-26
2.21 TechCamp Mexico (Mexico City) DF March 19-20
2.22 TechCamp Phnom Penh (Cambodia) March 13 – 14
2.23 TechCamp Philadelphia (USA) February 23 – 24
2.24 TechCamp Mumbai (India) February 20 – 21
2.25 TechCamp (Tegucigalpa) Honduras January 24 – 25
2.26 TechCamp (Rabat) Morocco November 13 – 14
2.27 TechCamp Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) October 18 – 19
2.28 TechCamp Zanzibar October 2 – 3
2.29 TechCamp Kyiv (Ukraine), September 12 – 13
2.30 TechCamp Dakar (Senegal), August 30 – 31
2.31 TechCamp Almaty (Kazakhstan), June 14 – 15
2.32 TechCamp:Lima (Peru), May 10 – May 11
2.33 TechCamp:Ramallah (West Bank), May 2 – May 3
2.34 TechCamp:Tel Aviv (Israel), April 30 – May 1
2.35 TechCamp:Bangkok (Thailand), March 20 – March 21
2.36 TechCamp:Bucharest (Romania), December 15 – December 16
2.37 TechCamp:Montevideo (Uruguay), September 30 – October 1
2.38 TechCamp:Moldova, July 15-16, 2011
2.39 TechCamp:Vilnius (Lithuania), June 29-30, 2011
2.40 TechCamp:Jakarta (Indonesia), May 19-20, 2011
2.41 TechCamp Santiago (Chile), November 20, 2010
3 TechCamp in a Box
4 Important Documents
5 Problem-Solution Template
6 Solution Lists
7 TechCamp Catalog

Upcoming Events
Past TechCamp events
TechCamp Argentina, May 4-5, 2015

Argentina Solutions

TechCamp Bolivia, March 13-14, 2015

Women’s Entrepreneurship

TechCamp Bolivia Solutions

TechCamp El Salvador, February 11-12, 2015

Women’s Entrepreneurship


TechCamp Indonesia, January 21-23, 2015

Civil Society Empowerment
TechCamp Cali, October 14-15, 2014

Women’s Entrepreneurship


TechCamp Kyrgyzstan, October 1-2, 2014

Civil Society Empowerment
TechCamp El Salvador, July 30-31, 2014

Civil Society Empowerment

TechCamp El Salvador Projects and Solutions

TechCamp Botswana, June 11-12, 2014

Civil Society Empowerment
TechCamp Mozambique, June 5-6, 2014

Innovation Generation


TechCamp Philippines, May 5-6, 2014

Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building


TechCamp Philippines Projects and Solutions

TechCamp Mali, April 23-24, 2014

Civil Society Empowerment
TechCamp Sao Paulo (Brazil), April 15-16, 2014

TechCamp Sao Paulo Problem Statements

TechCamp Tirana (Albania), December 5-6, 2013

TechCamp Tirana Projects and Solutions

TechCamp Mexico (Mexico City), December 4-5, 2013

Combating Human Trafficking


TechCamp México Proyectos y Soluciones

TechCamp Mexico Projects and Solutions

TechCamp London (UK), November 1-2, 2013
TechCamp Warsaw (Poland), October 8-9, 2013

Capacity Building


TechCamp Phnom Penh (Cambodia), September 25-26, 2013

Combating Human Trafficking in South East Asia


TechCamp Phnom Penh Projects and Solutions

TechCamp (Nairobi) Kenya, September 9-10, 2013

Health in East Africa


TechCamp Kenya Projects and Solutions

TechCamp Ramallah 2, August 28-29, 2013

Mobiles and Youth


TechCamp Ramallah 2 Folder

TechCamp NYC (USA) July 25-26

Protecting Journalists in Conflict Zones
TechCamp NYC Agenda

Problem Solution Sets

Social Compass- Verifying Social Media Content
Journalist Incident Reporting Tool
Before/During/After the Story: Trauma Resources for Journalists & Sources
Media:Traffic Light Decoy System.docx

TechCamp Mexico (Mexico City) DF March 19-20

Civil Society Topics

Women Empowerment

TechCamp Mexico Agenda
TechCamp Mexico Folder

Problem Solution Sets

¿Cómo puedo generar conciencia sobre la violencia de género? – Raising Awareness of Gender-based Violence
Cómo podemos usar los blogs y medios digitales para generar conciencia sobre el bullying entre las y los jóvenes de 12 a 16 años que viven zonas urbanas – Raising Awareness of Bullying
¿Cómo crear conciencia y dar herramientas sobre seguridad en internet a mujeres en riesgo de violencia (Jóvenes-Activistas)? – Use of Internet Safety Tools for Women at Risk of Violence
Como crear programas contra el abuso sexual usando las tecnologías en México (Tamaulipas) – Programs to Stop Sexual Abuse
Creación De Un Atlas De La Violencia Contra Las Mujeres Para La Incidencia En Políticas Públicas En Veracruz – Mapping Violence Against Women in Veracruz for Policy Making
Observatorio de Migración. Detección de los municipios con mayor índice de violación a los derechos humanos de los migrantes – Detecting Human Rights Violations of Migrants
Mujeres Emprendedoras (Puebla) – Women Entreprenuers
¿Cómo logramos que la población adopte el tema del derecho a la información y la libertad de expresión? – Raising Awareness on Right to Informaiton and Freedom of Expression
Prevengamos Para Erradicar la Trata de Niñas, Niños y Mujeres con Fines de Explotacion Sexual en México – Prevent trafficking of Women and Children

TechCamp Phnom Penh (Cambodia) March 13 – 14

Civil Society Topics: Capacity Building and Youth Empowerment


TechCamp Philadelphia (USA) February 23 – 24

Civil Society Topic: Education.

TechCamp Philadelphia Folder
Code Across America EduTech Hackathon Notes

Problem Solution Sets

Group 1: How can I compare school metrics across public and charter schools?
Group 4: How can Pink Slips be both easy to hand out, but still be easily catalogued?
Group 6: Within Philadelphia, how do you create supportive learning networks that are interest based and promote professional growth for teachers?
Group 7: How do we connect teachers, parents and students with STEM resources without worsening the digital divide?
Group 8: How can we design a system where students award badges to institutions?
Group 9: How can I disseminate information and services to underserved or isolated populations?
Group 10: How can we connect teachers with proven free online learning tools and resources?
Group 12: How do you get at least one accurate point of contact (phone #, email address, Facebook, etc) to a student’s parent or caregiver?
Group 13: How do we aggregate and publicize information regarding schools, specifically admissions processes for charter schools?
Group 16: How do we take qualitative data and translate it to readable quantitative analysis?
Group 17: How can we bring student programmers together to collaborate on creating games across the city?

Group 18: How do we find/build and sustain a matching service between the professional world and schools?
TechCamp Mumbai (India) February 20 – 21

Civil Society Topics

Youth Empowerment


Problem-Solution List

How can we create an interest platform to identify & engage champions, donors & volunteers to raise money & awareness?
How do we get news reports from media dark regions into the mainstream?
Tech-enabled support groups to empower marginalized women
Student Tracking in Urban Mumbai
Using Social Media More Effectively for Social Change
Data 4 Dev. (Community)
How to use Mapping technologies to collect data and influence government spending and decision making
Using Social Media for Social Cause in Orissa
How can we use online communities to bridge knowledge gaps & provide volunteer opportunities?
Get Connect!!!
Using website for Creating and Managing Database
SMS for Family Planning

TechCamp (Tegucigalpa) Honduras January 24 – 25

Civil Society Topics

Building Networks for Peace and Security



Problem-Solution List

How can we promote and improve the use of call centers by youth groups?
Creando Identidad con mi mensaje
Evitar Discriminación por parte de los Maestros
Using mobile technologies to improve internal organizational communications with populations/staff in rural areas.
Cómo podemos utilizar un blog para recuperar las memorias de las victimas.
Uso de Crowdfounding para el financiamiento de Proyecto.
Integración de las Plataformas Tecnológicas a los proyectos de la Pastoral social de las Dioceceis de Yoro Y Olancho.
Como podemos ilustrar el alcance del crimen y la corrupción en Tegucigalpa y Como podemos crear un sistema simple para permitir uso publico de denuncias de crimen y corrupcion mientras protegemos la privacidad de los informantes.
Mapa de la inseguridad en Honduras
Abordar problema es la violencia, la corrupcion, la impunidad.
Monitoreo Electoral 2013
Como usar paginas web para procesos formativos y comunidades digitales?
Como recabar, organizar y visualizar datos de los hospitales y doctores para uso de la sociedad?

TechCamp (Rabat) Morocco November 13 – 14


Civil Society Topics

Youth and Employment

Agenda in Google Doc

Problem Solution List (in English):

Group 1: TechCamp Morocco: Authenticity Awareness Campaign
Group 2: TechCamp Morocco: New Markets for Artisanal Products
Group 3: TechCamp Morocco: Fundraising Solutions for Moroccan Businesses
Group 5: TechCamp Morocco: How do We Eliminate Stereotypes in Recruitment Campaigns on Social Media Attract Qualified Personnel?
Group 6: TechCamp Morocco: Tech the Students
Group 7: TechCamp Morocco: From Technology to Offline
Group 9: TechCamp Morocco: Promotion of Internet Web Sites
Group 10: TechCamp Morocco: The Positive Generation
Group 11: TechCamp Morocco: Helping NGO Leaders Identify Donors
Group 12: TechCamp Morocco: Civilian Convoys Organized Through Social Networks
Group 13: TechCamp Morocco: How Can Social Media Help Me Promote an NGO Events Portal
Group 14: TechCamp Morocco: Sharing Experience and Get Feedback Between Arabic NGO –Survey Mechanism Implementation
Group 15: TechCamp Morocco: Part of Us
Group 16: TechCamp Morocco: Injad Tech

TechCamp Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) October 18 – 19

Civil Society Topics

New Technology for Accountability


Problem-Solution List (In English)

Gender Mainstreaming
How to use online tools to make peaceful protest in front of Goverment building
Now what?
Citizenboostr – How can we use citizen journalism to crowdsource creative and engaging content?
Web tool for Evaluation of the Teachers in the Elementary and Secondary schools and Faculties
Using online tool for searching large database of Word or PDF documents
Engaging Citizens for Financial Transparency of Political Campaign Spending
Mapping accountability in the Balkan wars of the 1990s
Building a platform with resources for NGOs
Citizen engagement on local budgeting

TechCamp Zanzibar October 2 – 3

Civil Society Topics

Citizen Journalism

TechCamp Kyiv (Ukraine), September 12 – 13


Civil Society Topics




Problem-Solution List (In Russian or Ukranian)

Журналистика без границ
К Oнлайн карт, чтобы помочь людям понять, куда вкладывать ресурсы или средства, а затем показать результаты проектов?
SSIM проекта
Политический инкубатор «Politcubator»
Социальные сети как технологии для развития культуры благотворительности
Нас увидит каждый!
портал iEARN-Ukraine на платформе EDUKIT
Стабильные связи НПО с его целевой аудитории
интеграция игр в образовании
Интернет стратегия сотрудничества и реализации совместніх проектов среди НГО
Как привлечь родителей
Шевели мозгами
здание сообщества потоковых событий для он-лайн обсуждения
Создание платформы онлайн образования с интуитивным интерфейсом SaaS

Problem-Solution List (In English)

How do you create interest in Ukraine and Belarus about the activities of NGOs?
Journalism without Borders
How you can use a simple online interface to help people understand where to invest resources or funds, and then show the results of the projects?
SSIM Project
Political Incubator «Politcubator»
Social networks as a technology for the development of culture of philanthropy
We will see this!
iEARN-Ukraine portal platform EDUKIT
Stable communication of an NGO with its target audience
Integrating Games into Education
Internet strategy for cooperation and implementation of NGO projects sovmestnіh
How to involve parents
Building community by streaming events for on-line discussion
Creating online education platform with an intuitive interface SaaS

TechCamp Dakar (Senegal), August 30 – 31


Civil Society Topics




Problem-Solution List (In French)

Cartographie de l’Impact des aménagements hydro agricoles
Renforcement des capacités techniques des acteurs sur les medias sociaux et la cartographie pour influer sur les politiques agricoles au Sénégal
Utilisation de la vidéo à coût réduit et Google Apps pour contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des communautés locales par le renforcement de capacités et la mise en exergue de la visibilité de leurs actions de développement
Utilisation des technologies web et mobile pour améliorer la planification des campagnes et la commercialisation les produits agricoles
Comment pouvons-nous utiliser Google Apps pour construire une bibliothèque virtuelle?
Comment assurer le paiement immediat des commandes et livraison faites a distance?

Problem-Solution List (In English)


TechCamp Almaty (Kazakhstan), June 14 – 15

TechCamp Almaty/Tech Forum Central Asia Website:

Civil Society Topics

Youth Empowerment



Problem-Solution List (In English)

Development of Central Asian Wikipedia
How to use online tools to combat discrimination of Central Asian people in Russia
Online Platform for reporting law violations
Universities/Education via SMS
Addressing communication gap between donor communities and the local implementing partners in almost all developing countries

Problem-Solution List (In Russian)

How to use online tools to combat discrimination of Central Asian people in Russia (Russian)
Как улучшить вовлечение в социальные медиа для того, чтобыпреодолеть усталость и пресыщение среди активистов?
17 Как создать активную онлайн группу выпускников зарубежных академических программ?
Как мы сможем создать онлайн/оффлайн систему для того, чтобы поощрить повышение информированности изолированных сообществ?
Название проекта: Поддержка (краудфандинг платформа для Центральной Азии
информационный пробел между сообществом спонсоров/доноров и местными партнерами почти во всех развивающихся странах
Университеты/Образование через SMS
Развитие Википедии в Центральной Азии
Oнлайн платформа для регистрации нарушений законов violations

TechCamp:Lima (Peru), May 10 – May 11

TechCamp Lima Website:

Civil Society Topics

Social Inclusion

Agenda (En Espanol)


Problem-Solution List (In English)

How can we motivate civil society members to volunteer?
How can we use technology to raise funds for social issues and NGO’s?
How to train in diverse locations without the need for much economic investment?
How can we digitally share information on the projects of social organizations (and different actors), including the geographic variable, in an accesible, orderly and interactive manner?
How can we maintain connections with anticorruption network activists spread through 23 regions of the country?
How do we amplify the diffusion and coverage of development projects?

TechCamp:Ramallah (West Bank), May 2 – May 3


Civil Society Topics

Women’s Empowerment



Problem-Solution List

How can we integrate online and offline tools to increase awareness about our organization?
Raising Awareness to Combat Violence Against Women
Volunteer Spark: Volunteering to Change Palestine!
How can we use mobile technology to open communication channels between educational institutions and Palestinian students?
How can we make a map of all the Palestinian Bloggers?
How can we use social media to improve and bring life to the curriculum so that it is more relevant to the Palestinian youth?
Fundraising for NGOs in Palestine
How can we help offline women that can’t get connected?
History of Palestine
– Red group awaiting translation from Arabic

TechCamp:Tel Aviv (Israel), April 30 – May 1


Civil Society Topics

Women’s Empowerment



Problem-solution Sets

Women Educational Empowerment: Correct Entry to Marriage
Information Pathways
Association of Palestinian Filmmakers
– Group Black in Hebrew, awaiting translation
– Group Green in Hebrew, awaiting translation
Digital Strategies for Online Project Collaboration, Tasks and Knowledge Management
– Group Gray in Hebrew, awaiting translation
Using Social Media for Sensitive Issues such as Domestic Violence While Protecting Privacy and Anonymity
How can we make independent media and blogs credible?
Keep in Tech
– Group Violet in Hebrew, awaiting translation

TechCamp:Bangkok (Thailand), March 20 – March 21


Civil Society Topics

Capacity Building



Problem-Solution List

How can relief programs map the location of each house in a refugee camp and link it with individuals that live there?
A private and secure mean of communication between contacts and colleagues
How can we increase awareness and mobilize the local community to slow the erosion of cultural heritage in Bangkok? “ Using the New to save the Old”
Enabling Safer Public Reporting of Trafficking Crimes
Secure and convenient online online donations
“Harnessing Youth Voices, Effectively”
How can we quickly, effectively and cheaply collect data in remote communities
Dataflood Filter. Sorting and verifing information during a crisis situation: Saving the World.

TechCamp:Bucharest (Romania), December 15 – December 16


Civil Society Topics

Social Inclusion



Problem-Solution List

How can we create a job website / platform for disabled persons?
How do we organize youth in sustainable community service projects
How do we engage with teachers to promote creativity and critical thinking in the education system (e.g., social media literacy skills)?
How can American Corners engage NGOs as a way of disseminating information about the services they offer
How do you link people leaving orphanages to potential employers or people who provide job training or housing
How can we use new technologies in preventing school dropout?
How can we solve the lack of IT-specialised teachers
How can we change Roma image in the traditional and the new media, including promoting good role models
How do we collect valid data on the Roma?
How can we reach isolated communities (with no access to technology)?
How to (prepare to) engage people in response to emergency situations (earthquakes/floods) and increase efficiency of response

TechCamp:Montevideo (Uruguay), September 30 – October 1


Civil Society Topics




Problem-Solution List

How to gauge the amount and quality of teaching done with technology after teacher training?
How to improve the quality of learning mathmatics, science, Spanish and the English language for students in Latin America ages 5 – 18
Espanol Video
English Video
How to overcome the lack of job opportunities after leaving school?
Espanol Video
Video in English
How to use ICT technologies to plan, monitor and evaluate community development projects?
Video en Espanol
Video in English
How to use mapping tools to optimize the delivery of international aid for anti-poverty, health and education projects
Video en Espanol
Video in English
How to use technology to enable parents to play a greater role in the education of their children?
Espanol Video
English Video
Improving Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
Espanol Video
English Video
Lack of a ‘best practices’ network for those who implement ICT in Latin America
Video en Espanol
Video in English
Many teachers do not know how to use technology effectively
Video en Espanol
Video in English

TechCamp:Moldova, July 15-16, 2011


Civil Society Topics

Open Government



Problem-Solution List

Changing current University application process: Introducing online admissions applications
Creating a system for combating corruption
Creating a templated government website that offers necessary documents in a user friendly manner
Creating a textbook database to modernize outdated teaching methods
Foreign aid monitoring
Improving library services to generate more traffic, on and off line
Improving mechanisms for voter lists
Mapping handicapped access throughout Chisinau; additional services for people with disabilities
Mechanism for comparing and rating school performance and profiles
Monitoring how the government spends money
Monitoring performance and integrity of public officials
Motivating citizens

Photos [1]

Check out Camilla Hawthorne’s Storify to see TechCamp:Moldova in pictures and tweets
TechCamp:Vilnius (Lithuania), June 29-30, 2011


Civil Society Topics

Democracy and Civic Engagement



Problem-Solution List

Circumventing internet site blockages in restrictive societies
Creating a trusted system of community reporting for victims of violence and crime
Ensuring access to critical and verified information for conflict prevention NOTE – this set is missing at present
Facilitating coordination between NGOs in targeting new audiences and resources
Making the invisible visible in a repressive regime, in countries that can easily shut down all online tools and networks
Mobilizing a network of students for social good
Protecting your identity and security when receiving donated funds or grants
Stopping important election information from being suppressed by spam filters
Supporting and helping unregistered or ‘illegal’ NGOs
Tracking and measuring what happens after someone submits a complaint to a prosecutor – NOTE — this set is missing at present
Using data from monitoring reports to achieve real impact
Using mobile phones to gather data
Using online tools to help candidates running for local election
Using technology and online tools to empower democracy efforts in countries where democracy is new or has a bad image

TechCamp:Jakarta (Indonesia), May 19-20, 2011


Civil Society Topics

Disaster Preparedness
Climate Change

Experience Sharing

Women’s Role in Disaster Information Management in West Sumatra’s Earthquake
Community Radio and Disaster Information System
Analysis and paper presented at TechCamp Jakarta on social media use after the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan



Problem-Solution List

Collecting, integrating and sharing Information
Combining Social Media with Direct Action and Social Movements
Communication and Language Barriers
Giving a Voice to the People
Managing Volunteers
Mission 4636 for Indonesia
TechCamp:Jakarta Problem-Solutions
Using Mainstream Social Media for Organizing Disaster Response – Hands on Training Session (Noel Dickover)
Using Social Media to Encourage and Educate People
Where is my money going?

Photos [2]
TechCamp Santiago (Chile), November 20, 2010


Civil Society Topics

Disaster Preparedness
Climate Change
Civic Engagement
Economic Opportunity



Problem-Solution List

Country Transparency Project
Ecuador Amazonia Disaster Risk Awareness
Juarez Connections (Trusted Space for Citizens fo Ciudad Juarez)
Local Power (Local Inclusion in Assistance and Reconstruction Projects)
NGO Collaboration Space
NGO Sustainment Before and After a Crisis
Post-Disaster Communication
Post-Disaster Pychology Volunteers
Promoting Marketing of Microbusinesses
SMS Startup Now (Microbusinesses in Reconstruction and Developing Countries
SMS-based Emergency Assistance Routing
Simplifying NGO Transparency Message to Larger Audiences
System of Communication Between Health Center and Patients
Telemedicine/Mobile Medicine
Wiki for Climate Change Visualization

Photos [3]

TechCamp in a Box

Guatemala City, Guatemala
Banglaore, India
Ouargla, Algeria
Yangoon, Burma
Valencia, Spain

Important Documents

Facilitator Guidance: Guidance for facilitators who prepare for and run the TechCamp event
TechCamp Ground Rules
Sample Problem Statements
File:TechCamp Ignite.pptx

Problem-Solution Template

The problem-solution Teemplate provides a method to detail everything needed to galvanize support for addressing a critical problem facing an NGO or grass roots organization.

Problem-Solution Template
Problem-Solution Template (MS Word)

Problem-Solution Template – Romanian (MS Word)
TechCamp Timeline (PDF)
Agenda with Tech Trainer Instructions

Solution Lists

TechCamp Solutions by Technology
TechCamp Solutions by Topic