
Universities/Education via SMS

Universities/Education via SMS

1 Project Title:
2 Summary of the Problem
3 Proposed Solution
4 Technology to Solve the Problem
5 Existing solutions or relevant links
6 Follow-on Actions
Project Title:
Universities/Education via SMS NGO Project Lead: Uchkempirov, Murataly; Turganbaeva, Asel Project Participants: Albon, Chris; Alisheva, Ainura; Uchkempirov, Murataly; Turganbaeva, Asel;

Summary of the Problem
This is a description of the problem situation. What kind of people mission better if this problem is solved?

Lack of information about university programs, specialty details, financial aid. In consequence students can’t chose right career/professions, which effects the general situation in the country. There are universities/colleges that a lot of people don’t know about, which are cheaper and less competition.

Proposed Solution
This should provide an outline of the basic need that would solve the above problem. Conveying information about universities/colleges in Kyrgyzstan to potential students via Frontline SMS service.

Technology to Solve the Problem
Areas of technology that you believe have the potential to solve this problem? (eg mobile devices, social networks, geospatial technology, etc.). As the proposed solution could be used? Mobile phones (feature phones) which is able to receive text messages. Fronline sms.

Existing solutions or relevant links
What other information could help technologists working on this idea? IREX projects (not sure how they work)

Follow-on Actions
Once a potential solution has been developed, what is your plan of action to implement it? Should arise as a series of steps and goals, preferably together with actions assigned to a specific group of people. In addition: Open blogs, social media pages for consulting schoolchildren.

Find funding (internationals organizations, universities, private business, government)
Create a team
Agree with universities, schools
Gather date about faculties, create a database
Promotion of the project/program (print materials, social media, TV, radio)
Involve university administration; college students, teachers
Create database of phone numbers
Manage responses
Assess the effectiveness of the project

Faculties/Specialty – List of universities, which has this faculty – University name or number – Admissions office contact info, Scholarships available

Possible donors: US Embassy, USAID, Soros Foundation, Kyrgyz Telecom, Asia Info, universities in KG and maybe abroad. Beeline, Megacom – phone companies.