
Bucharest Agenda

TechCamp:Bucharest Agenda

Agenda for TechCamp: Bucharest- Day 1 – December 15

“Connecting Technologies with Roma and Other Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities”

9:00-9:30 Registration, networking, coffee and tea

9:30-9:35 Welcome to the Central Library: Mireille Radoi, General Director Central University Library “Carol I”

9:35-9:40 Welcome to TechCamp Bucharest: Teodor Baconschi, Romanian Ministry of Foriegn Affairs

9:40-9:45 Welcome to TechCamp Bucharest: Mark Gitenstein, Ambassador, US Embassy Bucharest

9:45-9:50 Welcome to TechCamp Bucharest: Valerian Vreme, Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Society

9:50-9:55 What is a TechCamp and Why Do I Care? Ovidiu Bujorean

9:55-10:00 Welcome & Logistics Info: Cristina Balan, UN Information Centre Bucharest & Noel Dickover, Department of State

10:00-10:45 Interactive Penary: Exploring Perspectives: Cristina Balan, UN Information Centre Bucharest & Noel Dickover, Department of State

10:45-11:30 Fast-paced Project Presentations

Topic Presenter
#1: Using Text messages for structured information gathering Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS
#2: Taking Advantage of Library Resources Crina Ifrim, Bacau County Library
#3: Citizen Journalism Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#4: Mapping Data Eric Gunderson, DevelopmentSeed
#5: Using the Internet to organize on-the-ground activities Merill Beth Ferguson,
#6: Power of Open Source in helping NGOs Marius Stoica, Arad County Library
#7: Getting Funding for NGOs Vera Ularu, Civil Society Development Foundation
#8: Crowdsourcing and emergency response Gregory Asmolov, London School of Economics
#9: Strategic Networking example Ovidiu Bujorean, CRDF
#10: Online Fundraising Catalin Gheorghe, Asociatia Pentru Relatii Comunitare
#11: Creating Citizen Generated Data Efforts Eugeniu Hristev, Trimetrica
#12: Use of the Internet for Effective, Free Presentations Margareta Tatarus, Vrancea County Library

11:30-11:40 Plenary Session

11:40-12:30 Small Group Topical Breakout Discussions

Topic Facilitator
#1: Understanding current mobile use for Social Inclusion Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS
#2: Discussing Digital Divide issues Liliana Stamate, Constanta County Library
#3: Current Citizen Journalism Efforts Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#4: Current use of Mapping for Social Inclusion Eric Gunderson, DevelopmentSeed
#5: Discussing Privacy & Engagement in Local Community Building Merrill Beth Ferguson,
#6: Current approaches for storytelling Mimi Ciobanu, Vulcea County Library & Margareta Tatarus, Vrancea County Library
#7: Current Use of Free and Open Source Software Marius Stoica, Arad County Library
#8: Early alerts: Crowdsourcing and situational awareness Gregory Asmolov, London School of Economics
#9: Social Inclusion Issues CSO & Mimi Ciobanu, Vulcea County Library
#10: Current methods of crowdsourcing and civic engagement Eugeniu Hristev & Eugen cepoi, Trimetrica
#11: Current Education Practices Florin Manole, Roma Studies Center Bucharest University & Crina Ifrim, Bacau County Library
#12 Discrimation Ana Ivasiuc and Delia Stan, Impreuna Agency

12:30-13:45 Lunch

13:45-13:55 Plenary

13:55-15:15 Interactive Training Stations

Topic Number Presenter
#1 Using FrontlineSMS Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS, Oana Ungureanu, Maramures County Library
#2 Training IT for Disadvantaged Groups Liliana Stamate, Constanta County Library
#3 Setting up for Civic Journalism Efforts Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#4 Making Custom Maps Ed Gunderson, DevelopmentSeed
#5 Using for Social Engagement Merrill Beth Ferguson,
#6 How to use Facebook effectively for NGOs Mariana Angheluta, Gorj County Library
#7 How to use Crowdsourcing and Event mapping Gregory Asmolov, London School of Economics
#8 Digital Story Telling Mimi Ciobanu, Vulcea County Library & Margareta Tatarus, Vrancea County Library
#9 How to be your Own Web Designer Bogdan Ghiurco, Iasi County Library
#10 Professional Networking for building strategic relationships online and offline Ovidiu Bujorean, CRDF
#11 Using Skype Effectively Eduard Fisca, Arges County Library
#12 Using Citizen Generated Data for Civic Engagement Eugeniu Hristev & Eugen Cepoi, Trimetrica

15:15-15:35 Afternoon break

15:35-15:40 Plenary Session

15:40-16:40 Small Group Work on Brainstorming Problems

Topic Facilitator
#1 Using Mobile Options to Solve Problems Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS
#2 Giving Voice to Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities Margareta Tatarus, Vrancea County Library & Liliana Stamate, Constanta County Library
#3 Using Citizen Journalism Approaches Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#4 Incorporating Facebook to Solve Problems Mariana Angheluta, Gorj County Library
#5 Social Media Engagement Strategies Development Eugeniu Hristev & Eugen Cepoi, Trimetrica
#6 Using Maps to Solve Problems Eric Gunderson, Development Seed
#7 Crowdsourcing: from monitoring to action Gregory Asmolov, London School of Economics
#8 Online Organizing and Community Building to Solve Problems Merrill Beth Ferguson, & Bogdan Ghiurco, Iasi County Library
#9 Social Inclusion & Discrimination Ana Ivasiuc & Delia Stan, Impreuna Agency & Mimi Ciobanu, Vulcea County Library
#10 Civic Engagement Lavinia Chiburte and Flavia Preda, CeRe
#11 Community Building Alina Kasprovschi, Fundatia Comunitara Bucuresti
#12 Education Topic Florin Manole, Roma Studies Center Bucharest University & Crina Ifrim, Bacau County Library

16:40-16:45 Plenary Session

16:45-17:15 Presenting the Results of the Brainstorming Session

18:00-20:00 Dinner & Networking Reception
Agenda for TechCamp: Bucharest- Day 2

December 16th: Day 2

9:00-9:30 Networking, coffee and tea (Solution Sign-up Time)

9:30-10:00 Opening Plenary, Local Facilitator & Noel Dickover

10:00-10:50 Small Group Work on Identifying Solutions

How can we create a job website / platform for disabled persons?
How do we organize youth in sustainable community service projects
How do we engage with teachers to promote creativity and critical thinking in the education system (e.g., social media literacy skills)?
How can we stop illegal forest cutting and renew the forest growth
How can American Corners engage NGOs as a way of disseminating information about the services they offer
How do you link people leaving orphanages to potential employers or people who provide job training or housing
How do we increase engagement in blood donation
How can we use new technologies in preventing school dropout?
How can we solve the lack of IT-specialised teachers
How can we change Roma image in the traditional and the new media, including promoting good role models
How can we get the interest of youngsters in participating in a Facebook discussion
How do we collect valid data on the Roma?
How can we reach isolated communities (with no access to technology)?
How to (prepare to) engage people in response to emergency situations (earthquakes/floods) and increase efficiency of response

10:50-11:00 Break

11:00-12:20 Interactive Training Stations

Topic Number Presenter
#1 Mobile for Data Capture: Using FrontlineSMS to Capture Data Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS, Oana Ungureanu, Maramures County Library
#2 Training IT for Disadvantaged Groups Liliana Stamate, Constanta County Library
#3 Setting up for Civic Journalism Efforts Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#4 Making Custom Maps Ed Gunderson, DevelopmentSeed
#5 Using for Social Engagement Merrill Beth Ferguson,
#6 How to use Facebook effectively for NGOs Mariana Angheluta, Gorj County Library
#7 Crowdsourcing as tool for facilitation of mutual aid and volunteer activity Gregory Asmolov, London School of Economics
#8 Digital Story Telling Maria Ciobanu, Vulcea County Library & Margareta Tatarus, Vrancea County Library
#9 Online Communities Bogdan Ghiurco, Iasi County Library
#10 Professional Networking online for building strategic relationships Ovidiu Bujorean, CRDF
#11 Using Skype Effectively Eduard Fisca, Arges County Library
#12 Using Citizen Generated Data for Civic Engagement Eugeniu Hristev & Eugen cepoi, Trimetrica

12:20-13:10 Lunch

13:10-13:20 Plenary & Announcements

13:20-13:50 Final Presentations

13:50-13:55 Acknowledgements

13:55-14:00 Group Photo