
Kiev Agenda

TechCamp:Kiev Agenda
Agenda for TechCamp Kyiv – Day 1 (Wednesday, September 12)

8:00-9:00 Registration, networking, coffee & tea

9:00-9:10 Welcome & Logistics Info: Maryna Saprykina, Centre for CSR Development & Noel Dickover, Department of State

9:10-9:20 Welcome to TechCamp Kyiv: Ambassador John F. Tefft

9:20-9:30 21st Century Statecraft and the Importance of Civil Society: Alec Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation, US State Department

9:30-9:35 What is a TechCamp and Why Do I Care?: Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance

9:35-10:10 Interactive Plenary: Exploring Perspectives: Maryna Saprykina & Noel Dickover

(Participants distance themselves out on a spectrum based on a set of statements to measure level of tech literacy and current CSO work.)

10:10-11:10 Fast-paced Project Presentations (Case Studies)

Case Studies whereby small groups move from one presenter to the next quickly to learn about range of success using technology to advance mission.

Topic Presenter
1: Online organizing for Educators and Activists Merrill Beth Ferguson, Technology Consultant
2: Website Creation Story Oleksandr Elkin, EDUkIT
3. Virtual Learning Tool Kit Josephine Dorado, The New School / Kidz Connect
4. 150 People In-person, 600 Online Wayne Moses Burke, OpenForumFoundation
5. Mapping Famine Data to Advocate for Change Nate Smith, Development Seed
6. Facebook Story Elizabeth Linder, Facebook
7. Open Government in Education Story Jeff Kaplan, Open E-Policy Solutions
8. The Burma Project: Getting the Message Out Using Online Tools Samantha Barry, BBC
9. Crowdfunding and Social Activism Story Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance
10. Blogging Story Nataliya Miroshnichenko, Kherson Oblast Library
11. Mobile for organizing Story Trevor Knoblich, Frontline
12. Working with media and civil society activists in Belarus to work safely online and offline Nikolai Kvantaliani, DSS375
13. Video For Social Good Story Volodymyr Grebionkin, Digial PR Specialist
14. Crowdsourcing Story Angela Odour, Ushahidi
15. Podcasting Story Stanislav Shumlianskyi, Media-M

11:10-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-11:40 Plenary Session

11:40-13:00 Interactive Training Sessions

Interactive small group training on low cost, easy to implement tech based tools and approaches

Topic Technology Trainer
1. Using Facebook for Social Media Engagement Elizabeth Linder, Facebook
2. Increasing Outreach through Online Collaborative Learning Josephine Dorado, The New School / Kidz Connect
3. Multi-Platform Storytelling: Working like a Journalist Samantha Barry, BBC
4. Making Custom Maps & Visualizing Data Nate Smith, Development Seed
5.Online Organizing: Networking and communicating Merrill Beth Ferguson, Technology Consultant
6. How to use Crowdsourcing Angela Odour, Ushahidi
7. Crowdfunding Online Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance
8. Using Low Cost Video for Outreach and Engagement Volodymyr Grebionkin, Digital PR Specialist
9. Connecting people with Mobile Trevor Knoblich, FrontlineSMS
10. Improving Education through Open Innovation Jeff Kaplan, Open E-Policy Solutions
11. Broaden Your Audience with Remote Engagement Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
12. Easy Website Creation Oleksandr Elkin, EDUkIT
13. Interacting Safely Online Nikolai Kvantaliani, DSS375
14. How to create a Podcast Stanislav Shumlianskyi, Media-M
15. How to create a blogging strategy Nataliya Miroshnichenko, Kherson Oblast Library
16. Keeping Children Safe Online Artur Kocharyan, Microsoft Onlandia

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 14:10 Plenary Session

14:10 – 15:00 Small Group Topical Breakout Discussions

Discussion of shared challenges among CSOs in their current use of technology to address their mission.

Topic Facilitator (could be NGOs or Technologists)
1. Problems with Existing Educational Systems Natasha Cherednichenko, IEARN
2. Development Programs for Youth Andriy Kubay, Sweetrush & Nikolai Kvantaliani, DSS375
3. Limited Education and Lack of Social Responsibility Among Youth Samantha Barry, BBC
4. Preparing Our Schools for the Future Liudmyla Parashchenko, Kyiv Business Lyceum
5. Distance Learning: Implementing Un-Conventional Approaches to Education Volodymyr Golovan,
6. Unemployment Issues Among Youth Taras Tymchuk, GURT Resource Center
7. Better Monitoring and Evaluation Tactics Nate Smith, Development Seed
8. Leadership in NGOs Elizabeth Linder, Facebook
9. Getting the next dime – fundraising Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance
10. Generational Divide Issues Andriy Smolyarov, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
11. Participation in Action Angela Odour, Ushahidi
12. Online Engagement to Solve Social Problems with Government Jeff Kaplan, Open E-Policy Solutions
13. Equal Access to Information Olga Kotvitska, Zhytomyr European University
14. Encouraging Participation in Social Causes and Projects Ivanna Koziy, Cactus
15. Libraries as a Source of Digital Information Nataliya Miroshnichenko, Kherson Oblast Library

15:00-15:20 Afternoon break  

15:20-15:30 Plenary Session

15:30-16:30 Small Group Work on Brainstorming Problems

Small group discussions to identify specific problems facing CSOs that technology might be able to address, both by looking at options available, and by focusing on specific topic areas

Topic Facilitator (could be NGOs or Technologists)
1. Problems that can Be solved Via Facebook Elizabeth Linder, Facebook
2. Problems that that can be solved by Online Collaborative Learning Josephine Dorado, The New School / Kidz Connect
3. Problems that can be solved by Civic Journalism Efforts Samantha Barry, BBC
4. Problems that can be solved Making Custom Maps & Visualizing Data Nate Smith, Development Seed
5. Problems that can be solved by Online Organizing Merrill Beth Ferguson, Technology Consultant
6. Problems that can be solved by Crowdsourcing Angela Odour, Ushahidi
7. Problems that can be Solved By Crowdfunding Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance
8. Use Low Cost Video for Outreach and Engagement Volodymyr Grebionkin, Digital PR Specialist
9. Problems that can be solved with Mobile Trevor Knoblich, FrontlineSMS
10. Problems that can be solved with Open Innovation Jeff Kaplan, Open E-Policy Solutions
11. Connecting Geographically Dispersed Communities Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
12. Problems that can be solved by Easy Website Creation Oleksandr Elkin, EDUkIT
13. Problems that can be solved by Interacting Safely Online Nikolai Kvantaliani, DSS375
14. Problems that can be addressed by creating a Podcast Stanislav Shumlianskyi, Media-M
15. Problems that can be addressed using effective blogging strategy Nataliya Miroshnichenko, Kherson Oblast Library
16. Problems that can be addressed by Educating Children about Online Safety Artur Kocharyan, Microsoft Onlandia

16:30-17:00 Presenting the Results of the Brainstorming Session

17:00-18:30 Dinner & Networking Reception

19:00 Cultural Excursion (Spark! Lab at Art Arsenal)
Agenda for TechCamp Kyiv – Day 2 (Thursday, September 13)

8:00-9:00 Networking, coffee & tea (Solution Sign-up Time)

9:00-10:00 Opening Plenary Maryna Saprykina & Noel Dickover

This plenary will have a CSO from each problem statement to be worked to speak to its importants and tell the participants why they want to solve it

10:00-10:50 Small Group Work on Identifying Solutions

Participants break out into problems identified from the brainstorming session, and fill in a problem-solution template (Laptops needed for each group)

10:50-11:10 Break

11:10-12:30 Interactive Training Sessions

Interactive small group training on low cost, easy to implement tech based tools and approaches – Same list as Day 1 training sessions.

Topic Technology Trainer
1. Use of Blogging Nataliya Miroshnichenko, Kherson Oblast Library
2. Increasing Outreach through Online Collaborative Learning Josephine Dorado, The New School / Kidz Connect
3. Multi-Platform Storytelling: Working like a Journalist Samantha Barry, BBC
4. Making Custom Maps & Visualizing Data Nate Smith, Development Seed
5. Online Organizing: Networking and communicating Merrill Beth Ferguson, Technology Consultant
6. How to use Crowdsourcing Angela Odour, Ushahidi
7. Crowdfunding Online Hanny Kusumawati, Coin-a-chance
8. Use Low Cost Video for Outreach and Engagement Volodymyr Grebionkin, Digital PR Specialist
9. Interacting Safely Online Nikolai Kvantaliani, DSS375
10. Connecting people with Mobile Trevor Knoblich, FrontlineSMS
11. Improving Education through Open Innovation Jeff Kaplan, Open E-Policy Solutions
12. Broaden Your Audience with Remote Engagement Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
13. Easy Website Creation Oleksandr Elkin, EDUkIT
14. Easy Podcast Creation Stanislav Shumlianskyi, Media-M
15. Keeping Children Safe Online Artur Kocharyan, Microsoft Onlandia

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-13:40 Plenary and Announcements

If there are any short announcements to be made, like Microsoft NGO Donation program or the like, this is the best time to do it.

13:40-14:30 Small Group Problem Definition Refinement and Action Planning

Same as morning session, but now they are working on follow-on Action Plans (Laptops needed for each group).

14:30-15:00 Final Interactive Q&A with trainersUnstructured training Q&A time – allows for last chance questions or actions.

15:00-15:20 Afternoon Break

15:20-17:00 Final Presentations

17:00-17:10 Closing Remarks and thoughts

17:10-17:20 TechCamp Kyiv Photo

17:20-21:00 Resource Fair and Reception