1 Presentation Video
2 Project Information
3 Summary of the Problem
4 Proposed Solution
5 Technology to Solve the Problem
6 Existing solutions or relevant links
7 Follow-on Actions
Presentation Video
Project Information
NGO Lead:Gabriel, Miguel, Roger
Project Participants: Mariano, Jean Manolo, Juan Camilo
Summary of the Problem
Our dependence on foreign donors and the economic evolution of Peru represent a great risk for collection of funds for NGOs.
Proposed Solution
We are going to develop a mini website that will permit any NGO to collect funds coming from:
Individuals: By SMS and means of online payment
Businesses: Micro patronage (Patronage Law of Peru)
Technology to Solve the Problem
Mini explanation of how to contact and specify services with this company 1- Contact the Account Manager of each company and request a personal meeting. 2- Present yourself as a representative of your NGO and determine with the company can help you in the project via the Law of Patronage (mecenazgos). 3- Request a mobile collection service combined with an alert program..
Premium Service: for example, for 2.00 Soles
Text Alerts (to your data base with a communication) Associated cost can be about USD 0.003 cents
Identify simple online donation tools that can be set up quickly.