Agenda for TechCamp: Moldova – Day 1
Friday, July 15th
8:45-9:15 Registration, networking, coffee and tea
9:15-9:25 Welcome to TechCamp: Moldova
Veronica Cretu, CMB Training Center and Noel Dickover, United States Department of State
9:25-9:35 What is TechCamp and Why do I care?
Marcus Micheli, Deputy Chief of Mission U.S. Embassy and Andrea Trifunovic, United States Department of State
9:35-9:40 Welcome from MITC
Dona Scola, MITC Vice-minister
9:40-9:45 Welcome from Moldovan eGovernment Center
Stela Mocan, Executive Director
9:45-9:50 Welcome Message from the Moldovan Government
Tudor Darie, Counselor to the Prime Minister
9:50-9:55 Welcome Message from USAID
Kent Larson, USAID Country Director
9:55-10:00 Welcome Message from the World Bank
Abdoulaye Seck, World Bank Country Manager
10:00-10:40 Interactive Plenary: Exploring Perspectives
Veronica Cretu, CMB Training Center and Noel Dickover, United States Department of State
10:40-11:30 Fast-paced Project Presentations
Station Presenter
#1: Corruption example Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#2: Afghanistan Election Data Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#3: Government Perspecitve on Open Data Vlad Manoil, eGovernment Center
#4: Moldova Case Study: Citizen Participation (National Trash Pick up Day) Eugeniu Hristev, Trimetrica
#5: Turning Documents into Data Feeds Chris Radcliff, Eventful
#6: Citizen Engagement Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
#7: Open311 Effort Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#8: Social Networking Example of Open Data Ovidiu Bujorean, MIT Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative
#9: Mobile Example Claudiu Aghinitei, IREX
#10: Russian Wildfire “Help Map” and Ushahidi Gregory Asmolov, Global Voices, Runet Echo, Berkman Center
#11: Libraries and eGovernance Anna Taranenko, IREX
11:30-12:50 Lunch
12:50-13:00 Plenary
13:00-13:50 Topical Breakout Discussions
Topic Facilitator
#1: Health Data: What is needed and how to use it? Facilitator from the NGO community
#2: Transparency Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#3: Working with the Government from the Civil Society Standpoint Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
#4: Education Data: What is needed and how to use it? Facilitator from the NGO community
#5: State Budget Jeff Kaplan, MRGSP/USAID
#6: Local Government Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#7: Transparency Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#8: Transparency Chris Radcliff, Eventful
13:50-14:00 Plenary
14:00-15:20 Interactive Training Stations
Station Number Tech Facilitator
#1 Mapping for Open Government Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#2 Data Scraping Government Information to form Open Data Sets Chris Radcliff, Eventful
#3 Open Government Theory: Participation, Collaboration and Transparency Jeff Kaplan, MRGSP/USAID
#4 Developing Citizen Generated Data Sets through Crowdsourcing Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
#5 How to Upload and Alert Public Incidents on the Web Vlad Spanu, Moldova Foundation
#6 Use of Shared Resources to Deliver Public Services Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#7 Citizen Journalism and the use of Social Media Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#8 Professional Networking online for building Open Government Partnerships Ovidiu Bujorean, MIT Portugal Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiativeauthor and political
#9 Use of “CrowdMap” to for citizen generated data Gregory Asmolov, Global Voices, Runet Echo, Berkman Center
#10 Strategizing which Social Media Platform(s) is Right for You Anna Taranenko, IREX
15:20-15:50 Afternoon break
15:50-16:00 Plenary
16:00-16:50 Small Group Work on Brainstorming Problems
Station Number Facilitator
#1 Using Health Care Data Sets or Generating new ones Health Care NGO and Wayne Moses Burke, Open Forum Foundation
#2 Using Health Care Data Sets or Generating new ones Health NGO and Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#3 Using Education Data Sets or Generating new ones Education NGO and Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#4 Using Education Data Sets or Generating new ones Education NGO and Jeff Kaplan, MRGSP/USAID
#5 Using State Budget Data Sets or Data Scraping Documents to Create new ones Transparency NGO and Chris Radcliff, Eventful
#6 Using State Budget Data Sets or Data Scraping Documents to Create new ones Transparency NGO and Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#7 Building Transparency in Moldova Transparency NGO and Eugen Hristev, Trimetrica
#8 Building Transparency in Moldova Transparency NGO and World Bank Facilitator
16:50-17:30 Briefs on Brain Storming Sessions
17:30-19:00 Reception at Trimetrica
Agenda for TechCamp: Moldova – Day 2
Saturday, July 16th
8:30-9:00 Networking, Coffee and Tea
9:00-9:30 Opening Plenary – Veronica Cretu and Noel Dickover
9:30-10:20 Small Groupwork on Identifying Solutions
Problem Statement Facilitator
# 1 – How can libraries use online tools to generate “offline traffic” to become
more popular centers, and thus, more sustainable? Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 2 – How do we create a pattern or templated platform for local municipality websites to offer the
necessary documents and in a user friendly manner? Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 3 – Motivating Citizens – How do we motivate and mobilize citizens to force government to create transparent,
prioritized plans that lead to better services for the public? Video
Andrew McLaughlin
# 4 – People with disabilities: How can we bring info about jobs for people with disabilities. How
can we identify places/buildings (shops, schools, etc.) especially arranged for people with disabilities? Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 5 – How can we get a database of approved textbooks and content in Moldova?
For studies, analysis, curriculum review purposes. Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 6 – How can we evaluate curriculum in schools and update it to current needs? Civil Society Facilitator
# 7 – How can we change current universities’ application process (make it online and expand criteria)? Video Civil Society Facilitator
# 8 – How do we create a system for corruption complaints? Video Civil Society Facilitator
# 9 – How do we effectively monitor the performance/integrity of government officials and inspectors? Video Civil Society Facilitator
# 10 – How do we force our government to adopt Financial efficiency standards, including
methodologies for of allocation and use of resources; performance indicators; and project implementation? Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 11 – Education: How can we evaluate school performance data online, such as representing it
on a map, both to highlight existing problems in the school system and to track changes? Video
Civil Society Facilitator
# 12 – How can the mechanism for updating voters’ lists be improved? Video Civil Society Facilitator
# 13 – How can we create an efficient and transparent monitoring mechanism that
ensures foreign aid is being spent the way it is intended to be? Video
Camilla Hawthorne
10:20-10:30 Plenary
10:30-11:50 Interactive Training Sessions
Topic Facilitator
#1 Mapping for Open Government Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#2 Data Scraping Government Information to form Open Data Sets Chris Radcliff, Eventful
#3 Open Government Theory: Participation, Collaboration and Transparency Jeff Kaplan, MRGSP/USAID
#4 Developing Citizen Generated Data Sets through Crowdsourcing Wayne Moses Burke, OpenForumFoundation
#5 How to Upload and Alert Public Incidents on the Web Vlad Spanu, Moldova Foundation
#6 Use of Shared Resources to Deliver Public Services Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#7 Citizen Journalism and Social Media Use Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#8 Professional Networking online for building Open Government Partnerships Ovidiu Bujorean, MIT Portugal Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiativeauthor and political
#9 Use of “CrowdMap” to for Citizen Generated Data Gregory Asmolov, Global Voices, Runet Echo, Berkman Center
#10 Strategizing which Social Media Platform(s) is Right for You Anna Taranenko, IREX
12:30-13:20 Lunch
13:20-13:30 Plenary
13:30-14:20 Small Groupwork on Mapping Resources and Action Plan
14:20-14:50 Afternoon Break
14:50-15:00 Plenary
15:00-15:30 Interactive Q&A with Tech Trainers
Topic Facilitator
#1 Mapping for Open Government Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
#2 Data Scraping Government Information to form Open Data Sets Chris Radcliff, Eventful
#3 Open Government Theory: Participation, Collaboration and Transparency Jeff Kaplan, MRGSP/USAID
#4 Developing Citizen Generated Data Sets through Crowdsourcing Wayne Moses Burke, OpenForumFoundation
#5 How to Upload and Alert Public Incidents on the Web Vlad Spanu, Moldova Foundation
#6 Use of Shared Resources to Deliver Public Services Andrew McLaughlin, Civic Commons
#7 Citizen Journalism and the use of Social Media Camilla Hawthorne, Radio Free Europe
#8 Professional Networking online for building Open Government Partnerships Ovidiu Bujorean, MIT Portugal Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiativeauthor and political
#9 Use of “CrowdMap” to for Citizen Generated Data Gregory Asmolov, Global Voices, Runet Echo, Berkman Center
#10 Strategizing which Social Media Platform(s) is Right for You Anna Taranenko, IREX
15:30-16:00 Final Presentations (recorded on video)
16:00-16:55 Plenary Session – Planning the Next Steps:
Stela Mocan Moderating
– Initiatives to Pursue in 2011
– Barriers
– Funding of Open Government Initiatives
– Publicizing the Results
16:55-17:00 USAID Closing Remarks
Kent Larson, USAID Country Director